Birth for HumanKind



We provide free non-clinical support and education to women and gender diverse birthing people experiencing disadvantage in Melbourne, Australia

Our purpose

To achieve equitable maternal health and wellbeing for all by providing and advocating for respectful pregnancy, birth and early parenting support for people experiencing social and economic disadvantage in Melbourne, Australia.

Our work

We believe that no one should birth alone.

Many pregnant women and gender diverse birthing people face complex barriers to seeking the support they need throughout pregnancy and early parenthood. Experiences of discrimination, limited accessibility to appropriate information, difficulty accessing interpreters, inability to access continuity of care and lower familial or emotional supports are just some of the factors that can affect maternal health outcomes in Australia.

Since 2014, Birth for Humankind have been pioneering the delivery of community-based doula support for people experiencing disadvantage in Victoria. We provide marginalised women and birthing people with tailored social-emotional support throughout pregnancy and early parenting, which complements and enhances clinical care. This support facilitates informed decision-making, positive birth outcomes and experiences, as well as increased confidence and resources in the postnatal period.

Through programmatic impact and evaluation, advocacy, and partnerships, we drive systemic change and improve maternal health equity.

Our programs and services include:

Scholarships to our doula training program are provided to women from diverse cultural backgrounds and with lived experience of disadvantage.

We receive referrals from major hospitals in Melbourne as well as self-referrals.

support more families

Your contribution will positively impact the lives of parents and children, addressing health disparities. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Who we support

Our clients are experiencing economic disadvantage, but also face other intersectional disadvantages and a range of barriers to accessing equitable care.

We support people who are/have:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Refugee background or seeking asylum
  • Newly arrived migrants (within 5 years)
  • Experiencing or at risk of homelessness
  • Previous or current experience of mental health concerns
  • Experience of alcohol or drug misuse
  • Experience of trauma
  • Experience of abuse
  • Experience of family violence
  • Under 25 years of age
  • Living with a disability
  • Lacking a birth support person


Many of the people we support have diverse cultural backgrounds and speak various languages. We have a number of bicultural/bilingual doulas and can also help facilitate interpreter support at appointments, where possible.

Our approach to gender inclusivity

At Birth for Humankind, we provide safe, compassionate and personalised support to all people who are pregnant and birthing. And we recognise that transgender, non-binary and gender diverse people face unique barriers and experiences of disadvantage when pregnant and birthing.

Our language and organisational practices aim to include all gender diverse birthing people. We are committed to actively listening to the wider transgender, non-binary & gender diverse community as well as those using our services, and will continually re-evaluate our practices whenever necessary.

When working with clients or telling their stories, we always use their preferred pronouns and appropriate gendered language. When referring to external aspects of our work that uses gendered language, we use current terminology (for example, the maternal healthcare system) but apply our gender-inclusive principles. While we prioritise using gender affirming language, we also acknowledge the importance of sexed language and sex-specific clinical care.