Birth for HumanKind



Providing free birth support for people experiencing disadvantage in Melbourne

Birth for Humankind is a not-for-profit organisation working to achieve equitable maternal health and wellbeing. We provide and advocate for respectful pregnancy, birth and postnatal support to people experiencing financial hardship and a range of barriers to accessing equitable maternity care.

support more families

Your contribution will positively impact the lives of parents and children, addressing health disparities. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.


$50 could cover the cost for doulas to attend antenatal hospital visits, helping break down the barriers that isolate vulnerable pregnant women from the maternal health system


$75 could provide 12 hours of extended post-natal support in the months following birth, with a known and trusted doula


$150 can provide on-call birth support to a woman in labour, so no woman has to birth alone


$620 could help us recruit and train a new volunteer doula to support more women in the community


$1500 could cover the cost to run an 8 week pregnancy education group support program


$50 could cover the cost for doulas to attend antenatal hospital visits, helping break down the barriers that isolate vulnerable pregnant women from the maternal health system


$75 could provide 12 hours of extended post-natal support in the months following birth, with a known and trusted doula


$150 can provide on-call birth support to a woman in labour, so no woman has to birth alone


$620 could help us recruit and train a new volunteer doula to support more women in the community


$1500 could cover the cost to run an 8 week pregnancy education group support program