Birth for HumanKind


Join our doula team

We rely on the support of our highly-skilled and passionate volunteer doulas to help us support women and birthing people experiencing disadvantage through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.

Join our volunteer doula team

Are you a qualified doula, midwife/retired midwife/midwifery student who has attended a minimum of 3 births? We would love to hear from you!

We offer our volunteer team free professional development training, a caring community of support, practice guidance and regular support circles. Our doulas also have the opportunity to work in a doula group practice model.

Applications for our volunteer doula program are open year-round. Please complete an online application and one of our team will contact you 1-2 months prior to induction training dates.

2024 doula induction training dates:

  • Wednesday 27 March
  • Thursday 6 June
  • Thursday 31 October

To be eligible to apply as a volunteer doula for Birth for Humankind, you must:

  • Live in Melbourne, Greater Melbourne, or the regional areas of Geelong and Ballarat;
  • Have completed a comprehensive doula training program, be a midwife or student midwife (not in your first or final year of study);
  • Have attended a minimum of three births in a professional capacity, unless you are applying solely as a postnatal doula, in which case you must have provided extended postnatal support to at least three families;
  • Have a current Working with Children Check and undergo a National Police Check arranged by Birth for Humankind;
  • Agree to abide by our policies and doula Code of Practice;
  • Be committed to providing high quality, impartial support to people from diverse cultural backgrounds who are experiencing social and economic disadvantages;
  • Be committed to providing primary doula support to a minimum of three clients (birth support and/or extended postnatal support) over an 18 month period.

To read more download the volunteer doula information sheet.

“Thanks to the unwavering support, encouragement and ongoing, relevant training from Birth for Humankind, I now feel more confident in my role as a doula and have great pride in the contribution I am making to my community.”
– Liz Varney, Birth for Humankind volunteer doula